Repsol, Wins "Best Private Company" award for its development and recruiting policies for people with disablities

Repsol has been awarded the Ability Award for the "Best Private Company" in recognition of its overall contribution and significant participation in the development and recruitment of people with disabilities.
The aim of the Ability Awards is to publicly recognize Spanish companies and institutions that develop sustainable business models and integrate disability into their value chain, whether with employees, suppliers or customers. The Ability Awards provide an opportunity for companies and organizations to become aware of the actions and best practices carried out in Spain in this area in order to improve standards.
Antonio Brufau, chairman of Repsol, received the award in the presence of Her Royal Majesty Queen Sofia in a ceremony held yesterday in Madrid, which was also attended by numerous personalities from the business and political world, as well as representatives from local authorities and the media.
Brufau expressed his satisfaction and pride on receiving this award, which "responds to Repsol’s belief that the inclusion of people with disabilities brings only benefits. When weighing up what we have given and what we have received, there is no doubt that we receive much more, and that it is extremely positive. "  
Repsol’s chairman also announced that the company has agreed to serve on the advisory body being created within one of the Work Programmes of the European Union, which includes cooperation with Latin America to analyse policy initiatives and employability of people with disabilities and/or at risk of exclusion. 
Repsol’s commitment   
Since 2005, Repsol has been actively working to integrate people with disabilities, facilitating their inclusion in the workforce and the necessary training and awareness among other employees.
The company currently has 358 people with disabilities in its workforce, 22% of whom are in skilled technical jobs, and has given over 30 occupational training courses during the last 4 years, directed to 480 professionals with disabilities. 
Repsol is a role model among Spanish companies for its continued efforts to maintain accessibility standards in its service stations and offices, and for taking a crosscutting approach to disability, with a multidisciplinary working group (employment, HR, procurement and accessibility specialists) meaning disabled workers are incorporated into the regular business dynamics of the company.
Source: Press release

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